To complete the Summary section of a claim on either the Edit/Create Warranty Claim page or Quick Entry Warranty Claim page:
If you are creating a new warranty claim, all fields except the VIN field are dimmed and unavailable. |
There is a one-to many relationship between a repair order and warranty claims. That is, one RO can have multiple warranty claims. |
To complete the Summary section of a claim:
Either enter information in the following fields or verify the data populated by DBS: Repair Order, Line Number, and VIN. If you are entering the information, you must complete the VIN field first. For the Line Number field, make sure you enter either a one-digit or two-digit line number. |
In the Odometer field, type the odometer reading if the number was not automatically filled in from the RO. |
The Claim Total field is initially populated with data from the RO. As you add data to the page, you can manually refresh this total at any time by clicking the Refresh Claim Total link. |
To save the information, click the Save button. |
There is a one-to-many relationship between a repair order and the warranty claims. That is, one RO can have multiple warranty claims associated with line numbers. |
Use the Tab key to move to the next field on the right and Shift + Tab to move to the next field on the left. |