To display the warranty claims graph:
Data for the Approved bar includes claims data for both Approved and Approved-Adjusted status. Data for the Suspended bar includes data for Suspended-Dealer, Suspended-Region, and Suspended-National status. |
To display the warranty claims graph:
Review the warranty claims graph. |
To minimize the warranty claims graph, click the Minus Sign (-) at the top-left of the graph. To expand the display, click the Plus Sign (+). |
The radio button under each bar in the graph identifies the category by claim status and displays the number of claims in that category. Click the desired radio button to filter the summary display to show only those claims with the selected status. |
To view additional details about a claim status, move your mouse pointer over the bar for that claim status. |
Data for the Approved bar includes claims data for both Approved and Approved-Adjusted status. Data for the Suspended bar includes data for Suspended-Dealer, Suspended-Region, and Suspended-National status. |