When a repair order (RO) is closed in the Dealer Management System (DMS), the Manage Warranty Claims Warranty page updates in real time with all the information that was entered in the RO.
When a warranty claim is submitted from DBS, it is sent to the HOST and processed in a nightly batch. The following day you must check the status of your claims to determine if any were suspended or rejected so you can make the necessary corrections. Your submitted claims may have any of the following statuses:
Approved - The claim was successfully processed and will be paid.
Denied - The claim was processed and will not be paid.
Rejected - The claim was unable to be processed, e.g., key data was missing or data invalid
Suspended - The NNA Host found an error that needs to be corrected on the claim, e.g., replacement part / operation
When manually creating a warranty claim or editing an existing claim, the following conditions MUST exist for technicians to display on the Create or Edit Warranty Claim page:
The technician's employee ID in your DMS MUST be identical to the one entered in NNAnet.com.
The technician must be registered in Virtual Academy. This is done by clicking the Register link in NNAnet on the Admin > Search User screen. Note: In some cases, it may be necessary for a technician to log into Virtual Academy to activate their account.
Changes made in NNAnet are processed in a nightly batch. Any changes made may not be reflected in the Technician drop-down list for up to 48 hours.
General Guidelines:
Any field that displays a red asterisk indicates that this information is required.
Any field with a red circle icon indicates that an error exists. To view error messages, hover over the icon to display what errors need to be corrected on the claim. Claims cannot be submitted with errors
Any field with an orange circle icon indicates a warning message. To view warning messages, hover over the icon to display the messages. Claims can be submitted with warnings.