To view the Manage Warranty Claims page:
A red circle icon on a row indicates that the warranty claim has an error associated with it. An orange circle icon on a row indicates that the warranty claim has a warning associated with it. |
For additional assistance with warranty information, contact the Warranty Claims Help Desk: Nissan 1-800-258-7008 opt 7, Infiniti 1-800-933-3712 opt 7, NCI 1-866-297-1734 |
To view the Manage Warranty Claims page:
Review the claim status information in the Claims Summary pane. |
To view additional claims, click a page number or click the Previous or Next icons. |
To view a specific page, in the Go to Page field, type a page number, and then click the Go button. |
To sort the displayed information, click the arrow beside a column title. |
To view error or warning information, move your cursor over the or icons.