Host Reports Page Overview
Host Reports Page Overview
Use the Host Reports page to search for and review reports generated within the NNA Host environment.
The content area of the Host Reports page displays the following sections:
- Favorites - Contains a list of reports you have identified as favorites for quick access
- Filters - Enables you to define the criteria to filter and search for reports
- Generation - Enables you to view and print host reports. The Favorites and Reports areas each have their own generation area. The Generation section displays a list of dates on which the Host generated the report and sent it to DBS.
- Reports - Contains a list of all reports that meet the search criteria. The reports which by display when you first access the Host Reports page vary based on the menu tab or summary page where you clicked the Host Reports link or button.
You can perform the following tasks on the Host Reports page. Depending on your user role, you may not be able to perform all tasks.
One or more tasks in the following workflows are performed on the Host Reports page.
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